Free Rig, A New Fishing Method

The free rig is quickly making waves in the fishing industry. For those that are not familiar with the free rig, it is made with a free rig weight. This handy new type of weight was first created in Korea and then adopted by Japanese fishermen. From there, it turned heads over here in the United States; the rest is history. The free rig weight is spreading across the world as a new and innovative fishing weight design.

So what’s so special about a free rig weight and why should you care? After all, at first glance, the free rig and the weight look something similar to a Texas or Carolina rig. There are a few key differences, however. Instead of using a bullet weight, a free rig uses a free rig weight that looks similar to a drop shot weight. But, instead of a clip or tunnel that other weights use, a free weight has a smooth and round metal loop to put the fishing line through.

Nako Tungsten Free Rig Skinny Drop Shot Weights

The weight is slipped onto your fishing line before you tie on the hook, and it is able to slide freely along the line as you fish. In fact, the “free” part of the name refers to how the weight is free on the line. The fishing line goes straight through the eye, allowing the weight to move and slide along your fishing line.

So how does this rig and the weights it uses differ from a Caronlina rig? The Carolina rig is very similar when comparing the two. The main difference that you will see is the lack of a swivel that separates the weight and the lure. The Carolina rig also tends to use a much longer leader below this swivel. You also fish the two rigs very similarly, although the free rig is able to bounce and drag along the bottom much better thanks to how the free rig weight is designed and assembled on the rig.

The free rig can be fished with just about any type of fishing setup. Whether you primarily fish with a baitcaster or a spinning rod, the free rig with a specialized free rig weight will be able to be used effectively. It also works great for a wide variety of different fish species. For example, you can use a ¼-ounce weight with some 20-pound test line for largemouth bass fishing or maybe size it down to a ⅛ ounce free rig weight and 8-pound test for smallmouth.

Tungsten Free Rig Tear Drop Shot Weights

When it comes to fishing with a free rig, you will love the versatility. Although similar to a drop shot rig, a free rig doesn’t fall exactly vertically. As it drops into the water, the weight will separate from the lure if there is slack in the line. Once it reaches the bottom, you can control the amount of slack in the line to separate the two or keep them close together. Allowing the rig to free fall in the water this way helps the overall presentation of the rig as soon as it reaches the bottom!

Overall, the free rig is easily one of the most versatile rigs that you could use. Regardless of the fish that you prefer to chase, you can get a wide variety of different sizes of weights, hooks, lines, and lures that work well with the free rig. Along with a baitcaster or spinning rod and reel, there are very few fishermen out there that would not greatly benefit by adding this rig and the dedicated free rig weights into their arsenal.

As fishing continues to grow in popularity, so does the fishing pressure. We have all been fishing in places that used to be great, and now it is difficult to even get a bite. This is when it is incredibly important to mix and change things up and there is no better way to do that than a free rig. Not only can this rig get you to places that others can’t, but it is a big change to your tactics that may be the difference in catching your limit or going home empty-handed.

The free rig allows an angler to give a very subtle presentation in order to set themselves apart. It is also incredibly easy to put together and even beginners can quickly learn how to effectively fish with it. Of course, no free rig would be complete without a quality free rig weight.

Here at Nako, we are proud to introduce our very own line of free rig weights. Our mission is to provide anglers with all of the tools and equipment necessary to catch the fish of their dreams, especially when it comes to new or unique gear that is on the rise. Our free rig weights take the concept a step further, however. With a 97% tungsten construction, you will get an increased hardness and feeling when using our weights when compared to the competition.

Because tungsten is denser than lead, it is also more compact and able to be smaller for the same exact weight. This makes getting in and out of cover and structure even easier. Of course, all of our tungsten weights are eco-friendly and safe for the environment, unlike their lead counterparts. You will not be disappointed with the introduction of our tungsten free rig weights and will enjoy so much more durability and performance.

If you need a new tool in your fishing kit, look no further than a free rig with some tungsten free rig weights. We offer a variety of different sizes to better equip you in your fishing pursuits, and are always striving to provide the best fishing gear on the planet!